Love Well: What does that Mean?
Over the course of three days in March 2017, the Design Team for YOUTH 2019 settled on the theme “Love Well” for the event. Everything we do will be tied to that theme, so I suppose we’d better figure out what it means!
Let’s discover what the theme could mean from three different angles:
- Scripture
- Living
- Self Care
Love Well = Taking Jesus’ message seriously + Taking action in loving ways
Love Well: The Scripture
Romans 12:9-10 are the heart verses for YOUTH 2019. This book of the Bible is addressed to a faith community made up of Jews and Gentiles. Smaller house churches would probably come together periodically to worship. When Romans was written, most Christians were new Christians, trying to figure out how to best follow the teachings of Christ. The ability to care for another and care for God is central to a Christian life, that ability to care results in action. If we go all the way to verse 18, Romans 12:9-18 clearly provide examples of what it means to act because of our care for fellow human beings. Christians who take Jesus’ message seriously feel compelled to act in loving ways towards our neighbors, and to God.
Love Well: Living
Our world requires care. We live in communities that need care and attention. As a part of the United Methodist Church, we covenant (make a promise) to do be active in our faith. As disciples of Jesus Christ, the way that we live our life matters. We can care for the world, care for God, and care for neighbor, and show that care in loving and thoughtful ways. We are called to demonstrate love because God first loved us. At YOUTH 2019, we’ll challenge ourselves as world-transforming disciples.
Love Well: Self Care
Sometimes, we get tired. Faith-life can be hard! Jesus had a habit of seeking solitude to pray and recharge after big, public ministry and miracles. Jesus also had a famous conversation with a women at a well, where she went to get a drink and left with the message that Christ is actually life-giving water. We each need time and space to connect with the divine when we feel spiritually dry. At YOUTH 2019, we’ll explore those places and people in our lives who are wells of love…those things that give put us back in touch with the life-giving water of Christ and help refresh us on our journey.
When you get to Kansas City, you’ll feel cared for. Our love for God and neighbor will be so obvious in our big room worship, in our service opportunities, and in every aspect of YOUTH 2019. Make space for YOUTH 2019 on your summer calendar, you’ll discover friendships, connections, and calling because of our shared love for God.
I am so excited to share in this theme with you in Kansas City! Stay tuned to watch how this theme will flow through each and every part of YOUTH 2019!
Chris Willterdink, Young People’s Ministry Director of Program Development, US
9 Love others well, and don’t hide behind a mask; love authentically. Despise evil; pursue what is good as if your life depends on it. 10 Live in true devotion to one another, loving each other as sisters and brothers. Be first to honor others by putting them first. 11 Do not slack in your faithfulness and hard work. Let your spirit be on fire, bubbling up and boiling over, as you serve the Lord. 12 Do not forget to rejoice, for hope is always just around the corner. Hold up through the hard times that are coming, and devote yourselves to prayer. 13 Share what you have with the saints, so they lack nothing; take every opportunity to open your life and home to others.
14 If people mistreat or malign you, bless them. Always speak blessings, not curses. 15 If some have cause to celebrate, join in the celebration. And if others are weeping, join in that as well. 16 Work toward unity, and live in harmony with one another. Avoid thinking you are better than others or wiser than the rest; instead, embrace common people and ordinary tasks. 17 Do not retaliate with evil, regardless of the evil brought against you. Try to do what is good and right and honorable as agreed upon by all people. 18 If it is within your power, make peace with all people.
- Romans 12:9-18 (The Voice)
Love should be shown without pretending. Hate evil, and hold on to what is good .Love each other like the members of your family. Be the best at showing honor to each other. Don’t hesitate to be enthusiastic—be on fire in the Spirit as you serve the Lord! Be happy in your hope, stand your ground when you’re in trouble, and devote yourselves to prayer. Contribute to the needs of God’s people, and welcome strangers into your home. Bless people who harass you—bless and don’t curse them. Be happy with those who are happy, and cry with those who are crying. Consider everyone as equal, and don’t think that you’re better than anyone else. Instead, associate with people who have no status. Don’t think that you’re so smart. Don’t pay back anyone for their evil actions with evil actions, but show respect for what everyone else believes is good.
If possible, to the best of your ability, live at peace with all people.
- Romans 12:9-18 (CEB)
1 Comment
I registered myself and five kids, but I missed ordering a t-shirt for one of them.
How can I get this ordered?